I guess we're... rim running?

At the start of 2023 I made myself a New Years resolution: To make a fully playable game in 2023.

Well, I made it till October without getting a start. However, my Ludum Dare 54 entry had some promise, and a gameplay loop that seemed to work, but could do with a lot of work and balancing. So, Rim Runner will be my project to make a fully playable game in 2023. 

Obviously, I won't have time to make a version good enough for a full release. I still don't know how to handle graphics and music, but programmers art will do until further notice. At least I can work on the actual gameplay, and adding content to the world.

Process from here on

First off, I need to clean up the game jam crust, and learn more about Unity. I am starting to feel like I have some of it under my fingers.

The internal structure will have to be expanded to allow from more data driven content, and less hard-coded content. Mechanics need to be flesh out, and the world needs to feel like something more than just dots on a map to fly to.

The main premise will remain. Starting with a small, stolen ship the player has to make their way further and further away from known space, and the space po'po chasing them, until they can, hopefully, escape and start a new life.

More technical details will follow, this is probably enough babbling for a first post.

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